Motor Mouth Speech & Language

Speech Therapy Services

Speech Assessment Guelph


The first step for speech and language therapy is a comprehensive assessment. This includes a detailed discussion about the background history, formal assessment using standardized tests, and informal observations. Usually a one hour session is required, however, for older children or more complex cases, more time may be required. The results of the assessment will be shared at the end of the session. Recommendations for therapy will be made following the assessment. Referrals to other service providers may also be recommended. Parents and caregivers are active members of the assessment process.


Speech and language therapy may be recommended following an assessment, with the goals of optimizing communication skills and improving quality of life. These objectives are best achieved through therapies that are integrated into meaningful life contexts. Thus, involvement of caregivers in the therapy process is essential. Goals for therapy are selected based on the assessment findings, in consultation with clients and/or caregivers. Therapy sessions are usually 30 minutes in length, however, longer sessions may be required. Treatment sessions may be offered in a group, if appropriate and available.

Speech Therapy Consultation


Sometimes assessment results and therapy progress should be shared with other professionals. At other times Marnie may require input from other providers involved in your child's care so that the most appropriate type of therapy is offered. Consultation may also involve Marnie visiting you in your home or at your child’s school. All of these services are available at Motor Mouth.

Lectures / Presentations

Marnie is available to speak to your group on a variety of speech, language, literacy and other early childhood topics. Please reach out if you would like her to give a workshop or speak at your next event!